Saturday, March 14, 2009

manifesting 101 / changing your life

Hear No Evil ,See No Evil ,Speak No Evil
Protecting your life is by protecting your imput . This meaning everything you hear and see will be what we speak . It is important that you be able to contorl your thoughts and feelings , but how can we do this if we cant control our imput . This is very imporant ! In order to slow down your thoughts you must slow down your imput . Start asking yourself . Is this something i want to create in my life ? This applies to discussions with freinds , music , TV , news , books ect . You might say " well this is getting carried away a bit dont you think "? How bad do you want change and how long do you want this to take . Your mind has been taken over by your constant imput . Its important that you replace this time with positive imput . Drill it into your mind until it replaces all the negative garbage you have been feed your whole life . Ive always said whatever you choose to think about you are feeding . Have you ever noticed that if a person or a situation comes into your life the more time you spend thinking about it the more intense the feelings become and the bigger it becomes in your mind . That is because the time you spend thinking and feeling acts like fertatilzer for either a weed or a beautiful tree full of the sweet fruits of your thoughts . The thing is no matter what you do something will grow . What kind of garden have you planted ?
Unlimited Source
The universe is endless and so everything that is in this universe is always connected all you could ever desire . This never ending unlimited source of attraction . The trick is getting into the vibration of what you desire . There is no lack until you feel the lack there is no pain until you think and feel about pain . You have already been using this powerful unlimited source every moment of everyday . Now you can choose at this very moment what will your unlimited supply be love, joy happiness ,abudance or lack ,hatred , depression . Your unlimited source will always be a direct reflection of what you are thinking and feeling . So shift your thoughts and the feelings will follow and your life will transform into a new unlimited supply of what you have been wanting the whole time .
Observing Ego
The observing ego is the ability to view ones own behaviour without judgement of good or bad , right our wrong . When we use the observing ego this allows us to treat ourselves in a more loving manor . There are no strong emotions when this is being used . This is just a simple obsevation of "what is ". When we use this observing ego we're becoming more allowing of change because we have any strong dislikes . When we have strong dislikes we do not enjoy the negative feelings it creates and so we resist it . The resistance is a feeling that projects out and draws more situations to you to help create more feelings of resistance . So anytime we are resitant to or have a strong dislike we will continue to experience these same experience until we learn to stop judging ourselves and others . It is okay to have preferences and you will feel prefences but this feeling of prefences will act as a way to gage what it is you would or would not like to have , do or be your lifes experinces .
They Didnt Know Either
It is imporatant that we do not place blame on anyone or anything . The things we did not know and are now becoming aware of are simply things they did not know either. To get angry or upset over this is really a waste of time and feelings . Our parents could not have taught us what they were not taught . Simply shift your mind to a place of graditute that you are now becoming more aware. These are the secrets to life and living your dreams .
The Down Hill Spiral
The down hill spiral is a repeation of questions we can not answer . The reason we are asking these questions is because we are looking for someone or thing to blame , and when we come up empty handed we have no choice but to blame ourselves . This is imporatant that we do not travel this road because it is exhausting and continual and will lead you into a deep depression . These questions serve no purpose because even if we did find the answer our next question would still be "why" . This continual feeling of coming up empty handed will simple take us off our path of growth and down to a place of self hatred . The is place is like a black hole that we can not get out of . The questions that include "why" will only lead you further from your answers because there is no answers when we ask those questions .
We Are All Addicts
We are all addicts in some way shape or form . From my time as a addiction counselor I began to see that any behaviour we wish to change but cannot is truly an addiction . So whether its sabotaging your friendships or your finaces it is all an addiction . What has happend is we have shamed ourselves into hidding who we truly are . This is for fear of what others may think or say about us . We have programed ourselves and our kids to be ashamed of any behaviour that life teaches us is an addiction such as alcohol abuse . This is interesting considering we all fall prey to this behaviour . What I found was simply that some addictions are clear to see and some are hidden . What we fail to see is that we are all out of control and it is so prevolant that it has earn the right to be considered normal behaviour . What this is , is simply an addiction to a chemical release that was created by our experiences in life . We hold preceptions of everything and everyone which arent even ours they were your mothers and fathers also and so on down the road . Addiction is a repetative way of thinking that produces the same results whether we like them or not . How many times have we beat ourselves up for repeating the same unwanted behaviour thinking if we are harsh enough on ourselves we will learn our lesson and not do it again .
The Mirror
Have you ever met someone and seen yourself through them ? Maybe they behave like you or have similar tendencies or even a feature that you have . you see everything is a mirror, a reflection of itself . We are all apart of each other there is no in here and out there there is no empty space . We are in and threw all of creation because we all came from the same thing . everyone is the same the things you love is a mirror of what you love in yourself . The things that you hate are the things that you are that you do not except about creation and we are all apart of the same creation . So when we hate we are hating ourself and when we love we are loving ourselves . There is a veil that hides us from being able to see this clearly . This is the veil that leads us to belive that we are different from each other . When in all reality we all all the same just a varying degree . When the degree of variation becomes distance enough we craete a false belief and that is that we are all different . However we are all the same and return after death to the same thing that is matter .
When we learn to love ourselves we will love each other . The veil will be lifted and we will be as one . We will be one with creation .

The Magnetic Pull
The magnetic pull is always in operations . This pull will draw to you whatever you are feeling or your vibrational match that you are sending out such as our thoughts and feelings actions ect . So this is drawing to you events people places things that will support you in experiencing more . This happens whether you are enjoying yourself or not . So everything in your life that you're experiencing this very moment is drawn to you like a magnet . The unfortunate part of this is that if we do not learn to control our thoughts and feelings than our life will be subject to random events and situations that will leave us dazed and confused as to the "why's of life" . This is where its important for you to pay attention to what you are experiencing . This is your magnetic pull showing you where your mind is and all your worries and joys .
Everything has a vibration and that vibration has a magnetic field . This magnetic field is the "Law of Attraction" . The law of attraction is a law that holds no preferences it does not discriminate . What the law of attarction does is match up vibrations . So if you can imagine a polarity pole and on one end you have positive and on the other end you have negative and in between you have countless variants of each other . Now each variant is simply a degree of existance and each of these degrees hold there own vibration . So what this means is that we can change our vibration and we are all variants of each other on the same polarity pole .

respectfully shared by lightworker

SEXUAL SPIRITUALITYThe Path With No Obstacles - sexual union naturally also means the union of the continuing practice and its realization. This is what the west has come to refer to as Tantric love. (Ultimately, tantra means more than embracing your physicality: all action, thought, and realization becomes spiritual liberation itself.) The high art of making True Love is mysticaland miraculous beyond comprehension.It inundates your entire being.It delivers you - body and soul - to unimagined heights of ecstasy.The discovery of the key to the union of spirituality and sexualityis at once a path to, and a gift of Enlightenment.The expression of sacred sexuality can open pathway of conscious enlightenment -It all depends on your true and underlying purpose. It calls for constancy and commitment to the ultimate goal of Enlightenment.The ultimate consummation of physical love-making is complete transcendental Union.It bestows upon the lovers the experience of a spectacular breakthrough to the Infinite -beyond, but concurrent with our everyday existence. What begins as duality and polarization within time, climaxes as a shared soul-merging experience of Eternity. A transformation occurs which evolves from desire and passion to a level of total and perfect bliss, otherwise rarely known in human existence. Spiritual merging in love is the elusive prize that everyone seeks when they lay down with another, whether they know it or not. Lust is only a call to love, and many have yet to answer it. We may think we are content giving and taking personal gratification, yet all the while the heart seeks nothing less than to lose itself absolutely in love, and be consumed in ecstatic union with the beloved and the Universe.How to achieve such divine deliverance through one of the most common "animalistic" functions we perform is the secret known to enlightened lovers as the direct path of Love. It transcends the trap of the ego-self: In effect, the world's greatest aphrodisiac is selflessness.Many in today's generation are beginning to re-learn the sacred approach to lovemaking, as in indigenous tribal customs, mystical rituals, Sufi and tantric couples practices, and post-sexual-revolution "high monogamy." Cultures much older than ours have evolved ways for seekers to include their physical bodies within the context of spiritual practice and the enlightened life. Meditation, invocations, breathing exercises, incense, candlelight, ceremonial objects, rituals, music, and potent libations have been used to create a special environment and mind-state in which to sanctify sexual union.Such careful preparations tend to quiet the neurotic mind and increase sensitivity and sensuality, while at the same time engendering the proper reverence.The essence of this conscious sex approach is to transform the very energy of your appetite for personal pleasure into one of cosmic realization, by harnessing your own desire to the happiness, the thrill, and the total fulfillment of your partner. Thus you achieve Unity through duality, by making her (or his) ecstasy your own. Giving and taking merge, and you two become One. The transformation from ordinary mechanical, confused, guilt-ridden sex to the profound gift of natural/spiritual lovemaking depends upon a broadening of one's focus from the genitals to the heart, from passion to compassion.Spiritualized sex opens you at all centers at once, animal to divine. Transcendent love is a religious experience. Every touch is The First, and time stands still. The senses are magnified a thousand times. Your partner becomes a Goddess or God, whom you worship in awe. You notice everything, and it all conveys tremendous meaning and potency. Foreplay is truly playful, breathtakingly tender. The pleasure is immediately and continuously perfect, the passion intense and profound. Time itself disappears and the Holy Universe becomes self-evident. Opening all your centers, engaging all your faculties, the animal/emotional/spiritual crescendo of love lasts forever, and the climax is an exquisite release of the body, the heart and the soul in a spectacular shared revelation of the Universal Self. The after-glow of such a cosmic physical union endures for days.. weeks. The experience is healing and unifying in every way.www. crystalinks. com/tantra. gifDo you know the tantric secret about orgasms? While releasing into orgasm, you can perform "white magic" by visualizing ways you would like Life to be, You can picture anything, such as being deeply in Love forever; or money flowing abundantly in your life; or the healing of a friend or relative; or finding relief for the hungry or homeless; or the whole world living in harmony.What you envision at the moment of orgasm plants a seed within that level of consciousness. Because you are so open, your picture filters down through all the other layers of consciousness. It eventually shows up in your outer world, if you do not let doubt get in your way. You can actually change your everyday Reality through this "white magic."Respectfully shared byRedfoxsees Move your body to get the energy flowing~Have a wonderful loving, sexually fulfilling evening my dear beloved friends~Lightworker

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"The Meaning of Aloha and Malaho"

Aloha & Mahalo[Pronounced: ah loh' hah & mah hah' loh]pronunciation guide
If you learn just two words in Hawaiian, learn these. They are two of the most important words in the Hawaiian language, representing paramount Hawaiian values.
In Hawaiian thinking, words have
mana [pronounced: mah' nah], meaning spiritual or divine power], and aloha and mahalo are among the most sacred and powerful.
Say them often as they can be life-transforming and -enhancing. Be careful to use them ONLY if you truly feel mahalo or aloha within. Do not exploit these words for personal gain, and neither cheapen, nor trivialize their use by verbalizing them carelessly or without sincerity.
Aloha and mahalo are ineffable, indescribable, and undefinable with words alone; to be understood, they must be experienced.
Deeper meaning and sacredness is hinted at by the root words of these words. Linguists differ in their opinions as to the exact meanings and origins, but this is what was told to me by my kupuna (elder):
On a spiritual level, aloha is an invocation of the Divine and mahalo is a Divine blessing. Both are acknowledgments of the Divinity that dwells within and without.
Aloha[Alo = presence, front, face] + [hâ = breath]"The presence of (Divine) Breath."
Mahalo[Ma = In] + [hâ = breath] + [alo = presence, front, face]"(May you be) in (Divine) Breath."
Think of them as single-word blessings or prayers.
The following are dictionary definitions using English words, which are approximate translations, at best:*

Aloha. 1. Aloha, love, affection, compassion, mercy, sympathy, pity, kindness, sentiment, grace, charity; greeting, salutation, regards; sweetheart, lover, lover, loved one; beloved, loving, kind, compassionate, charitable, lovable; to love, be fond of; to show kindness, mercy, pity, charity, affection; to venerate; to remember with affection; to greet, to hail. Greetings! Hello! Good-by! Farewell! Alas!
Aloha `oe! [ah loh' hah oe!] May you be loved or greeted! Farewell or greetings to one person.
Aloha kâua! [ah loh' hah KAH'oo (w)ah!]May there be friendship or love between us! Greetings to you and me!
Aloha kâkou! [ah loh' hah KAH' kou!]same as above, but to more than one person.
Ke aloha nô! [ah loh hah NOH'] Aloha indeed!
Aloha! [ Ah loh' hah!] Greetings!"
"Mahalo. 1. Thanks, gratitude; to thank.
Mahalo nui loa.[mah hah' loh noo'(w)ee loh'(w)ah] Thanks very much.
`Ôlelo mahalo [OH' leh loh mah hah' loh]compliment
Mahalo â nui [mah hah' loh (W)AH' noo'(w)ee]Thanks very much.
2. Admiration, praise, esteem, regards, respects; to admire, praise, appreciate.
`O wau nô me ka mahalo, [oh vau NOH' meh kah mah hah'loh] I am, [yours] respectfully,
Ka mea i mahalo `ia, Laki [kah meh'(y)ah ee mah hah'loh ee'(y)ah, lah' kee] The esteemed Laki."
*Source: Pukui, Mary Kawena & Elbert, Samuel H., HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY, University of Hawai`i Press, Honolulu, 1986.
One of the most frequently requested translations is:
Aloha au iâ `oe.[ah loh' hah vau' ee (Y)AH' oe]I love you.

"The identity of addiction is recognized by "never getting enough of what you dont want ",and is defined by any behaviour you wish to change but are unable to change ."

This is a example of the coulseling steps I would go threw with each person . As a Addictions Counselor I created my own techniques of counsel with consistant 95-98% sucess rates . I made every session geared for that individual always high lighting on these points . The key to sucess with my clients was to alter there own perception to a degree that they would "allow "change .

Assesing the reason and circumstances that created the desire or need for change . This helped me get to know the person ,and how there mind works so that I could mold to them instead of them molding to me . This creates a trust and repor that is nessasary . Any time someone is seeking the advice of a professional; that proffesional has to "qualify" on many levels within just moments . They are trusting you to not make them look or feel stupid about there discision to trust and listen to you .

Setting the scene for change , and creating a enviorment that is condusive for change .This means removing any and all temptations ,and creating a new routine that involves a healthier lifestyle and surrounding . The reason for this is to remove some of the temptations we have to repeat this old behaviour . Plus this helps us to feel good , and when we feel good we want to make good discisions .

Your words have power ! It is very important that your words reflect your desired outcome . Try to make statements like "I am now ___ ! The more you make these statements the more they will become your truth . You may feel as though you are lying at first , but that will soon change . "Everything begins in the mind moves to the heart and then becomes a action or a thing ." Statements like "I need" or "I have to have " become your truth also and so your brain becomes hard wired for addiction . These words pave the way for habitual ways of thinking and being . "The way that you created your old reality is how you create your new reality "also .
Ask yourself qualifying questions . Do I want it or do I need it ? A want is anything that you can exist without . A need is anything that you would die without such as air and water . This helps to bring to light that this is the addiction talking and once you expose it's behavours it will usually fade away until the next time it thinks it has you off gaurd . When this happens quickly choose something to do to distract you . This helps the moment to pass much faster . It's like being on the freeway and taking the off ramp . Soon the off ramp will become your new path that you travel .

Learn new methods for handling stress and anxity . We have stress in our lives no matter what . The key to handling stress is in how we cope such as becoming or organized , healthy diet and excersize . Threw excersize and other activities we are able to get the same release of endorphins that supports our ability to feel good . Try not to use food as a means for coping ,instead go for a walk ,drink some water or take a few deep breaths . Focus on your breathing . When you focus in inhaling and exhaling you get the same endorphine release , and are able to clear your mind . This is a very effective way to pass threw any mental craving ,stress or axioty ,and can be done anywhere anytime .

We create thoughts that create a chemical release . The body becomes acustomed to this chemical realease and begins to demand it . So what we are really talking about is meeting the needs of the brian . All the brain is doing is asking for this release of chemicals and it does not matter how it gets this release . These chemicals allow the brain to function as you have train it to fuction . The brain is simply reminding you of the fastest way it know of to get this release . The reason we become addicted is because we have created a habitual way of speaking and being .

Changing the people you associate with . We tend to surround ourselves with like natured people or rather people with simular belief patterns . The removal of these influances helps to keep the correct frame of mind . This change is nessasary while we are the most valnerable in our life style change . One of the main reason for this is because sometimes our friends don't know how to help us .

When the person is unwilling to change there associations the best way to handle this is for them to have a heart to heart conversation with all there associations . This conversation must include all of your more meaningful reasons for this change and a request for there help . The majority of people will help when asked to . During this convesation it is important to let them know how much they mean to you ,and that you know that they are the kind of person who likes to help others succeed . This employs a responsibilty and the person will want to live up to what your belief is of them . It is very important for this person to understand that we have moments of weakness and to not tempt us . The most helpful way they can aid is by reminding us of all our deep reasons we had for making this change in our life , and possibly even denie us help in repeating this old behaviour .

The "observing ego" is when you are able to observe your behaviour without judgement of right or wrong . This allows us to see our behavour very clearly . There is no strong emotion attacted to any behaviour because we are simply observing "what is" . When we are in a state of observation we are able to be in a state of allowing . The more you use this the easier it becomes to make changes .

Take full responsability for your life . This means understanding that you are the one that creates your thoughts ,and the one who allows your emotions . You have the right to create your beliefs and to hold them true . You also have the right to change your beliefs and make new ones . Everytime you create a belief you make a agreement . This agreements is to make your beliefs true this accures on a conscious and subconscious level . This is why creating a new "I am ____ !" is so important to your sucess .

Reward yourself by living life in the moment rather than on auto piolet ! Learn to be in the now and embrace with each breath . Try to notice your miles stones and give yourself a mental note and pat on the back . I always try to explain to my clients not to use crutches for to long because if you do you will have only created another addiction .

Asking for the inner strength and guidance in the morning and at night before bed helps to set the intent to be sucessful . Expressing graditute for already being sucessful helps to reinforce the belief that it is already done . You are now simply a matter of time for the body to aliegn with what your mind has decided is already done . Once you have thought it , and felt as thought its already done it will be done .

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thoughts Are Food

I began to realize that the more I talked about the things that were going wrong the less energy and focus I had on any good in my life . I began to view my thoughts as food for either the negative and the positive experiences and the emotions as the fertilizer . I knew no matter what I would have thoughts and emotions and this allowed me to understand that I could grow whatever kind of seed I planted in my life . It could either be a weeds or a garden my choice . I viewed my thoughts as food because whatever my attention was on got bigger in my mind and would begin to take up more of my time and attention and so whatever I wasn’t thinking about became smaller and received less focus from me . What are you feeding ?

Then I heard a song that talked about having to go and doing this for me . This song helped me so much because it made it okay in my mind to let go and move forward in my life . Basically I removed my security blankets and when I did , I started making progress . I began to be more selective of the people that I surrounded myself with . If I wanted to become married and have a happy marriage I became friends with people who had a happy marriage . If I wanted to become wealthy then I surrounded myself with the wealthy . Whatever I wanted to become was what I surrounded myself with .

What I began to see was that I needed time alone to focus on me . As hard as this was for me I knew that I had to become okay being alone before I could ever be in a relationship again . Something I discovered was these relationship kept me so busy I didn’t have to take the time to look at how I was treating myself or even who I was .

How To Win The Battle Of The Mind

What I began to see was that I needed time alone to focus on me . As hard as this was for me I knew that I had to become okay being alone before I could ever be in a relationship again . Something I discovered was these relationship kept me so busy I didn’t have to take the time to look at how I was treating myself or even who I was . This time I knew I had to look at my thoughts again but even deeper this time .

So the question began again . How kind am I to myself ,by the thoughts I choose to hold ? Why do I lower my expectations ? Don’t I believe I deserve more ? I have to say these questions can be brutal at times but they are so important .

What I found was not easy to change at all at first . I realized I was more abusive to myself than anyone could ever be . This was just with my thoughts too and oh my gosh . How do I change these thoughts ? They were so frequent .

I remembered that what goes up must come down so I said to myself what goes in must come out too. So how does this get into my thoughts ? This made me reflect back to hear no evil see no evil speak no evil . So I began to guard my ears my eyes and my mouth . What happened was amazing . I had far more control over my mind and feelings than I ever did before . So for me no TV and the only music I would listen to had to be positive .

This positive reinforcement really helped . This was making wonders for me and my life . I noticed those bad luck streaks and come pretty close to a dead halt . Another thing I noticed was a mood shift for the positive so why was that ? Well I had to give that some thought also . So now we have music whats going on when i listen to music ? Okay , I’m thinking about these words and I’m identifying with these words and as soon as I do my feelings change . I had a ah ha moment !!I think then I feel !!This made sense . So everything I feel is proceeded by a thought .

The Battle Of The Mind

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people.

He said, 'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, Love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

'The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: 'Which wolf wins?

'The old Cherokee simply replied,'The one you feed the most .'