Saturday, March 14, 2009
respectfully shared by lightworker
SEXUAL SPIRITUALITYThe Path With No Obstacles - sexual union naturally also means the union of the continuing practice and its realization. This is what the west has come to refer to as Tantric love. (Ultimately, tantra means more than embracing your physicality: all action, thought, and realization becomes spiritual liberation itself.) The high art of making True Love is mysticaland miraculous beyond comprehension.It inundates your entire being.It delivers you - body and soul - to unimagined heights of ecstasy.The discovery of the key to the union of spirituality and sexualityis at once a path to, and a gift of Enlightenment.The expression of sacred sexuality can open pathway of conscious enlightenment -It all depends on your true and underlying purpose. It calls for constancy and commitment to the ultimate goal of Enlightenment.The ultimate consummation of physical love-making is complete transcendental Union.It bestows upon the lovers the experience of a spectacular breakthrough to the Infinite -beyond, but concurrent with our everyday existence. What begins as duality and polarization within time, climaxes as a shared soul-merging experience of Eternity. A transformation occurs which evolves from desire and passion to a level of total and perfect bliss, otherwise rarely known in human existence. Spiritual merging in love is the elusive prize that everyone seeks when they lay down with another, whether they know it or not. Lust is only a call to love, and many have yet to answer it. We may think we are content giving and taking personal gratification, yet all the while the heart seeks nothing less than to lose itself absolutely in love, and be consumed in ecstatic union with the beloved and the Universe.How to achieve such divine deliverance through one of the most common "animalistic" functions we perform is the secret known to enlightened lovers as the direct path of Love. It transcends the trap of the ego-self: In effect, the world's greatest aphrodisiac is selflessness.Many in today's generation are beginning to re-learn the sacred approach to lovemaking, as in indigenous tribal customs, mystical rituals, Sufi and tantric couples practices, and post-sexual-revolution "high monogamy." Cultures much older than ours have evolved ways for seekers to include their physical bodies within the context of spiritual practice and the enlightened life. Meditation, invocations, breathing exercises, incense, candlelight, ceremonial objects, rituals, music, and potent libations have been used to create a special environment and mind-state in which to sanctify sexual union.Such careful preparations tend to quiet the neurotic mind and increase sensitivity and sensuality, while at the same time engendering the proper reverence.The essence of this conscious sex approach is to transform the very energy of your appetite for personal pleasure into one of cosmic realization, by harnessing your own desire to the happiness, the thrill, and the total fulfillment of your partner. Thus you achieve Unity through duality, by making her (or his) ecstasy your own. Giving and taking merge, and you two become One. The transformation from ordinary mechanical, confused, guilt-ridden sex to the profound gift of natural/spiritual lovemaking depends upon a broadening of one's focus from the genitals to the heart, from passion to compassion.Spiritualized sex opens you at all centers at once, animal to divine. Transcendent love is a religious experience. Every touch is The First, and time stands still. The senses are magnified a thousand times. Your partner becomes a Goddess or God, whom you worship in awe. You notice everything, and it all conveys tremendous meaning and potency. Foreplay is truly playful, breathtakingly tender. The pleasure is immediately and continuously perfect, the passion intense and profound. Time itself disappears and the Holy Universe becomes self-evident. Opening all your centers, engaging all your faculties, the animal/emotional/spiritual crescendo of love lasts forever, and the climax is an exquisite release of the body, the heart and the soul in a spectacular shared revelation of the Universal Self. The after-glow of such a cosmic physical union endures for days.. weeks. The experience is healing and unifying in every way.www. crystalinks. com/tantra. gifDo you know the tantric secret about orgasms? While releasing into orgasm, you can perform "white magic" by visualizing ways you would like Life to be, You can picture anything, such as being deeply in Love forever; or money flowing abundantly in your life; or the healing of a friend or relative; or finding relief for the hungry or homeless; or the whole world living in harmony.What you envision at the moment of orgasm plants a seed within that level of consciousness. Because you are so open, your picture filters down through all the other layers of consciousness. It eventually shows up in your outer world, if you do not let doubt get in your way. You can actually change your everyday Reality through this "white magic."Respectfully shared byRedfoxsees Move your body to get the energy flowing~Have a wonderful loving, sexually fulfilling evening my dear beloved friends~Lightworker
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