Saturday, March 14, 2009

manifesting 101 / changing your life

Hear No Evil ,See No Evil ,Speak No Evil
Protecting your life is by protecting your imput . This meaning everything you hear and see will be what we speak . It is important that you be able to contorl your thoughts and feelings , but how can we do this if we cant control our imput . This is very imporant ! In order to slow down your thoughts you must slow down your imput . Start asking yourself . Is this something i want to create in my life ? This applies to discussions with freinds , music , TV , news , books ect . You might say " well this is getting carried away a bit dont you think "? How bad do you want change and how long do you want this to take . Your mind has been taken over by your constant imput . Its important that you replace this time with positive imput . Drill it into your mind until it replaces all the negative garbage you have been feed your whole life . Ive always said whatever you choose to think about you are feeding . Have you ever noticed that if a person or a situation comes into your life the more time you spend thinking about it the more intense the feelings become and the bigger it becomes in your mind . That is because the time you spend thinking and feeling acts like fertatilzer for either a weed or a beautiful tree full of the sweet fruits of your thoughts . The thing is no matter what you do something will grow . What kind of garden have you planted ?
Unlimited Source
The universe is endless and so everything that is in this universe is always connected all you could ever desire . This never ending unlimited source of attraction . The trick is getting into the vibration of what you desire . There is no lack until you feel the lack there is no pain until you think and feel about pain . You have already been using this powerful unlimited source every moment of everyday . Now you can choose at this very moment what will your unlimited supply be love, joy happiness ,abudance or lack ,hatred , depression . Your unlimited source will always be a direct reflection of what you are thinking and feeling . So shift your thoughts and the feelings will follow and your life will transform into a new unlimited supply of what you have been wanting the whole time .
Observing Ego
The observing ego is the ability to view ones own behaviour without judgement of good or bad , right our wrong . When we use the observing ego this allows us to treat ourselves in a more loving manor . There are no strong emotions when this is being used . This is just a simple obsevation of "what is ". When we use this observing ego we're becoming more allowing of change because we have any strong dislikes . When we have strong dislikes we do not enjoy the negative feelings it creates and so we resist it . The resistance is a feeling that projects out and draws more situations to you to help create more feelings of resistance . So anytime we are resitant to or have a strong dislike we will continue to experience these same experience until we learn to stop judging ourselves and others . It is okay to have preferences and you will feel prefences but this feeling of prefences will act as a way to gage what it is you would or would not like to have , do or be your lifes experinces .
They Didnt Know Either
It is imporatant that we do not place blame on anyone or anything . The things we did not know and are now becoming aware of are simply things they did not know either. To get angry or upset over this is really a waste of time and feelings . Our parents could not have taught us what they were not taught . Simply shift your mind to a place of graditute that you are now becoming more aware. These are the secrets to life and living your dreams .
The Down Hill Spiral
The down hill spiral is a repeation of questions we can not answer . The reason we are asking these questions is because we are looking for someone or thing to blame , and when we come up empty handed we have no choice but to blame ourselves . This is imporatant that we do not travel this road because it is exhausting and continual and will lead you into a deep depression . These questions serve no purpose because even if we did find the answer our next question would still be "why" . This continual feeling of coming up empty handed will simple take us off our path of growth and down to a place of self hatred . The is place is like a black hole that we can not get out of . The questions that include "why" will only lead you further from your answers because there is no answers when we ask those questions .
We Are All Addicts
We are all addicts in some way shape or form . From my time as a addiction counselor I began to see that any behaviour we wish to change but cannot is truly an addiction . So whether its sabotaging your friendships or your finaces it is all an addiction . What has happend is we have shamed ourselves into hidding who we truly are . This is for fear of what others may think or say about us . We have programed ourselves and our kids to be ashamed of any behaviour that life teaches us is an addiction such as alcohol abuse . This is interesting considering we all fall prey to this behaviour . What I found was simply that some addictions are clear to see and some are hidden . What we fail to see is that we are all out of control and it is so prevolant that it has earn the right to be considered normal behaviour . What this is , is simply an addiction to a chemical release that was created by our experiences in life . We hold preceptions of everything and everyone which arent even ours they were your mothers and fathers also and so on down the road . Addiction is a repetative way of thinking that produces the same results whether we like them or not . How many times have we beat ourselves up for repeating the same unwanted behaviour thinking if we are harsh enough on ourselves we will learn our lesson and not do it again .
The Mirror
Have you ever met someone and seen yourself through them ? Maybe they behave like you or have similar tendencies or even a feature that you have . you see everything is a mirror, a reflection of itself . We are all apart of each other there is no in here and out there there is no empty space . We are in and threw all of creation because we all came from the same thing . everyone is the same the things you love is a mirror of what you love in yourself . The things that you hate are the things that you are that you do not except about creation and we are all apart of the same creation . So when we hate we are hating ourself and when we love we are loving ourselves . There is a veil that hides us from being able to see this clearly . This is the veil that leads us to belive that we are different from each other . When in all reality we all all the same just a varying degree . When the degree of variation becomes distance enough we craete a false belief and that is that we are all different . However we are all the same and return after death to the same thing that is matter .
When we learn to love ourselves we will love each other . The veil will be lifted and we will be as one . We will be one with creation .

The Magnetic Pull
The magnetic pull is always in operations . This pull will draw to you whatever you are feeling or your vibrational match that you are sending out such as our thoughts and feelings actions ect . So this is drawing to you events people places things that will support you in experiencing more . This happens whether you are enjoying yourself or not . So everything in your life that you're experiencing this very moment is drawn to you like a magnet . The unfortunate part of this is that if we do not learn to control our thoughts and feelings than our life will be subject to random events and situations that will leave us dazed and confused as to the "why's of life" . This is where its important for you to pay attention to what you are experiencing . This is your magnetic pull showing you where your mind is and all your worries and joys .
Everything has a vibration and that vibration has a magnetic field . This magnetic field is the "Law of Attraction" . The law of attraction is a law that holds no preferences it does not discriminate . What the law of attarction does is match up vibrations . So if you can imagine a polarity pole and on one end you have positive and on the other end you have negative and in between you have countless variants of each other . Now each variant is simply a degree of existance and each of these degrees hold there own vibration . So what this means is that we can change our vibration and we are all variants of each other on the same polarity pole .

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