Monday, March 2, 2009

Thoughts Are Food

I began to realize that the more I talked about the things that were going wrong the less energy and focus I had on any good in my life . I began to view my thoughts as food for either the negative and the positive experiences and the emotions as the fertilizer . I knew no matter what I would have thoughts and emotions and this allowed me to understand that I could grow whatever kind of seed I planted in my life . It could either be a weeds or a garden my choice . I viewed my thoughts as food because whatever my attention was on got bigger in my mind and would begin to take up more of my time and attention and so whatever I wasn’t thinking about became smaller and received less focus from me . What are you feeding ?

Then I heard a song that talked about having to go and doing this for me . This song helped me so much because it made it okay in my mind to let go and move forward in my life . Basically I removed my security blankets and when I did , I started making progress . I began to be more selective of the people that I surrounded myself with . If I wanted to become married and have a happy marriage I became friends with people who had a happy marriage . If I wanted to become wealthy then I surrounded myself with the wealthy . Whatever I wanted to become was what I surrounded myself with .

What I began to see was that I needed time alone to focus on me . As hard as this was for me I knew that I had to become okay being alone before I could ever be in a relationship again . Something I discovered was these relationship kept me so busy I didn’t have to take the time to look at how I was treating myself or even who I was .

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